Care PMS Growth Plus Value
About Company
Care PMS Growth Plus Value Strategy: The strategy was launched in July 2011 with a focus on investing in companies across the market cap. The higher weightage is given to a lower valuation multiple. The strategy will have a higher allocation towards small-cap companies that are growing their business at higher rates. An individual portfolio is constructed based on the investment time and the risk profile of the client.
Fund Snapshot
Year of Inception | 2011 |
Number of Stocks | 20 |
Investment Horizon | Medium to Long Term |
Fund Managers | Jayant Mamania, Arpit Shah & Amit Doshi |
Investment Philosophy
The bottom-up, stock-specific approach involves shortlisting companies on an ongoing basis during quarterly earnings season or on a fundamental trigger after applying Care PMS’ proprietary quant screeners for detailed analysis.
Shortlisted stocks and their peer groups are subjected to extensive fundamental research undertaken to spot trends or turn around in that segment or industry.
Meet industry participants across the value chain and take account of recent developments in that segment or industry to confirm inferences.
Unique Feature
Invest in a multi-cap portfolio of companies with high growth potential, proven track record, and strong fundamentals.
Care Portfolio Managers Pvt Ltd or ‘Care PMS’ has been a SEBI–registered portfolio manager since 2011. At Care PMS client portfolios are managed by an investment team of Chartered Accountants. Care PMS endeavors long-term wealth creation for its clients by investing in publicly listed companies in India. Care PMS provides its service to HNIs, NRIs, and Corporate